Friday, September 5, 2014

Muslim Man Massacres 186 Christian Children And Then Says “I Don’t Feel Guilty”

Muslim Man Massacres 186 Christian Children, And Then Says, “I Don’t Feel Guilty”
 Theodore Shoebat September 2, 2014

 Nurpashi Kulaev, the only surviving Muslim jihadist who took part in the Beslan Massacre, in which 186 Christian children were killed, has affirmed that he feels no guilt for his crime, saying:

I don't feel guilty that women and children died… But I can say neither I nor anyone else could have saved them. Because other people made the decisions were made by other people.”

The Beslan Massacre, in total, killed around 336. It is amongst the most horrific of massacres committed by Muslims in our times.

Children were raped, forced to inhale the unbearable stench of urine and feces, and butchered without mercy.

But according to Kulaev, he was only following orders (a standard excuse made by all acolytes of tyrannical cults and governments), saying,

“They were in charge. Let them do what they want. I did what I had to do, that's all… Why should I have [objected to going to the school? They would've killed me first.”

Numerous mothers of the murdered children have sent letters to this devil, and he has refused to respond to them. But he did decide to answer a question of one of the mothers:

She asked me if I want my kids to be like me. I'd really like them to be like me, sure… But I don't want them to share my fate. I wouldn't want that. But I'd only be happy if they really were like me.

One of the mothers, Susanna Dudieva, who lost her son Zaur in the attack, recalls the torment of finding her son's body in a morgue, saying:

As I entered, I only saw his heels but I knew it was Zaur… I went up to him. His chest was wounded. It was broken. I could see his bones and, as far as I understand, I saw his heart. He was so handsome. His face was untouched. His hands and head were a little burned… but nothing else was wounded. Just his chest and head.

Another mother, Alevtina Khanaeva, who lost her daughter in the massacre, declared with anger:

I wish I could or would want to curse you or your children… There's nothing more painful than seeing your child die when you can't help!

 RT released a short documentary on the killer and the massacre 

 It’s natural for human beings to seek out the reasons behind even the most senseless and horrific of crimes. Ten years after the Beslan tragedy, some of the victims’ families write letters to the only terrorist alive today who participated. He is serving a life sentence in a prison in the Arctic Circle. They have a lot to say to him. But will he listen? Has Nurphashi Kulayev come to regret his actions? What does he tell himself about his role in this atrocious act of cruelty? In Beslan, young former hostages talk about their lives after the tragedy and their aspirations.

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