Thursday, September 4, 2014

Cannibal nurse Dale Bolinger and US police officer plotted to cook FOUR women

Axe-wielding 'cannibal nurse' Dale Bolinger and US police officer plotted to cook FOUR women
By Euan Stretch, Christopher Bucktin Jul 21, 2014

Dale Bolinger, a 58 year old male nurse with a wife and 3 kids, was caught by police trying to have sex with, behead then eat a 14 year old Mexican girl.

The NHS nurse dubbed the ‘Canterbury Cannibal’ plotted to fulfill his insatiable fantasy for killing with the help of a New York cop - saying how he longed to eat a woman for Thanksgiving instead of turkey.

Sick Dale Bolinger was found guilty of arranging to meet a teenager he groomed online after just three hours of deliberations
He also boasted online that he planned to chop off her head and eat her.

However unbeknown to jurors he had spoken at length about wanting to murder and torture FOUR American women saying he “loved roasting whole pelvises” using a “good quality olive oil”.

His sick plan was uncovered by the FBI who found him chatting on the internet about rape , murder and cannibalism while calling himself ‘meatmarketman’.

At Canterbury Crown Court the trial heard how the 58-year-old bought an axe with a three foot handle from Homebase the day before he arranged to meet the 14 year-old victim, and posed for a ‘selfie’ with it.

He had boasted about the weapon to a Mexican girl called ‘Eva Gonza’ - whose true identity is still unknown - on a website called Dark Fetish Network.

Before sending the selfie the 58-year-old wrote: “I’ve got the cleaver and the experience. Really want to do it? I would want to have your body afterwards for food...” 

Bolinger, who said he started having fantasies about cannibalism at about the age of six, blaming his “very domineering” mother for his “weird” behaviour, said of the axe: “It’s big enough. And very sharp. How wide is your neck then?”

The following day in September 2012 he went to Ashford International Rail Station in Kent expecting to meet the girl but she failed to turn up.

The father-of-three, who boasted about eating two victims already, talked about how much more tender the meat is from children and got sexual gratification from his fantasies about cannibalism.
At one point during the trial, the jury was told how in online chats, he told Eva: “The idea of us making love and then eating you is a VERY great turn on!

“I have been called a very generous lover and I would be very generous to you before I prepped you for the table.”

But Bolinger told Canterbury Crown Court he had never murdered or eaten anyone and his online boasts were pure fantasy.

When asked why he had bought the axe he told police it was to cut down two trees adding: “There was a sale on.”

The nurse claimed he did not even think he was talking to a young girl, but a man.

But the jury found him guilty of ‘attempting to meet a child following sexual grooming’ after deciding he did turn up at the train station to meet the 14 year-old.

Plan: Gilberto Valle's abduction blueprint, sent to Dale Bolinger
His sick plans were uncovered by the FBI who found him chatting on the internet about rape, murder and cannibalism to New York cop Gilberto Valle .

"Cannibal cop": Former New York City police officer Gilberto Valle

Federal agents found hundreds of emails between the two twisted men, which also saw Bolinger using the names Moody Blues and Christopher Collins and writing from his email account.

Now details of nurse’s sick US fantasies can be revealed in full for the first time including how he spoke about wanting to eat Valle’s wife, a pretty university friend of the cop’s, a US prosecutor and a teenage softball star.

Bolinger began speaking to Valle on July 9, 2012, through the website Dark Fetish Network on which he detailed his lust for killing and eating his victims.

The Harlem cop offered to send Bolinger a list of “the girls I have available” adding “maybe [Moody Blues] can make it here and help [him] with a kidnapping”.

Bolinger in return said he could teach Valle, who said he charged $5,000 (£3,000) to deliver each victim, how to prepare a girl for cooking, boasting he had already eaten two victims.

During the same chat the officer, who was at the time still employed by NYPD, then received photographs of the Brit’s two alleged victims - a “Kenyan student” and a “young Chinese girl”.

In FBI evidence Bolinger then asked Valle if his account of cannibalism shocked him to which he replied “no, not really”.

The two men then discussed their potential victims including Kathleen Mangan-Valle, who unbeknown to Bolinger was the officer’s 28-year-old wife and mother of their young daughter.

Valle went on to describe “Kimberly” who agents later identified as his former university friend Kimberly Sauer. They both discussed how she is the most viable option to kidnap and eat. Valle gave Bolinger a detailed picture of where he lived saying he has a place in the mountains in up State New York away from prying eyes.

He added he also had “a big gas oven” they could cook the 30-year-old in but Bolinger quickly expressed scepticism over Valle’s boasts.

The nurse wrote: “Seldom seen an oven big enough to take a whole body,” only then to ask for the dimension of the cookers to check to see if it was big enough. He noted he “wasn’t sure if she [Kimberly] would fit in even as small as she is”.

Sickenly Bolinger, who used a picture of supermodel Naomi Campbell on his profile, then said to Valle he believes they should eat their victim ALIVE.

The officer said he planned to carry out the cooking of Kimberly on September 3, 2012, - the American Labor Day bank holiday.

Valle wrote: “Labor Day is Sept 3, so I’ll go to her place on Sept 2.
“Kidnap her from there and we’ll get her cooking Monday afternoon.”
Bolinger, using his “meatmarketman” name replied: “I thought she was for Thanksgiving?”

Valle said: “No it will be to cold for a cookout,” leading the Brit to reply: “When do you want me over and will I be staying with you?”
Selfie: Nurse Dale Bolinger posing with an AXE
Bolinger was then sent a link to a video of Kimberly, showing her in a bikini on holiday.

He then told Valle there wasn’t a lot of time to sort out plane tickets to the US but he would look to see what “cheap deals” were available.

Seeking reassurance about their sick plot Bolinger asks Valle: “Will you go through with this? I’ve been let down before. "That’s why I tend to work alone.” The day after their initial chat Bolinger received “a blueprint” from Valle which he was told to “review”. The document entitled “Abducting and Cooking Kimberly: A Blueprint" contained pictures of their target as well a detailed biography of her.

After downloading it Bolinger asks for Kimberly exact address saying he needed it “for Googling using the map app” so he could see for himself where she lived.

A few days later he emailed another request, adding: “I want to be involved in the planning and an address will let me check out the area. Nearest police station, maybe video cameras, etc?”

The men also discuss how they could make Chloroform at home to help knock out their victims when they kidnap them.

Shortly after their attentions turned to another potential victim in pretty university student Kristen Ponticelli, a softball star from Queens in New York. 
Target: High school student Kristen Ponticelli
Sickeningly Valle described the 20-year-old as “the most desirable piece of meat I’ve ever met” saying she is 10 years younger than Kimberly and with a “better body”. However despite searching for her address they later discounted her from their plans.

They also discussed kidnapping 28-year-old Andria Noble, who Valle knew from university and had since gone to become a highflying US prosecutor.

However she was quickly ruled out as they thought it “too difficult” to get her away because of her job.

During his questioning by the FBI Valle stated he felt Bolinger was “more serious” than the other 24 men he chatted to online.

When the Mirror approached Kimberly she refused to talk.

Bolinger’s friendship with Valle ended last year when the cop was arrested.

His wife had become suspicious of his late night computer chats and discovered pictures on their laptop of dismembered bodies. Kathleen then installed Spyware on the computer which recorded everything her husband had done before then informing the FBI.

Agents uncovered his and Bolinger’s sick conversations which also include two other men - one of whom was a butcher in India who said there was an oven to cook Valle’s wife in in Pakistan.

In March 2013 Valle, who used the online name “girlmeathunter”, was convicted of plotting to kidnap, murder and eat women and also was found guilty of accessing a national crime database.

He was told he faced life in prison and served 21 months before a judge overturned his conviction for a plot to kidnap, kill and eat young women because he believed it was ‘role-play’. 
The house of Dale Bolinger in Canterbury
Judge Paul Gardephe ruled last month there was insufficient evidence to support the conviction and his ‘Internet communications about kidnapping are fantasy’. It led to Valle apologising for his views, but reiterated the argument of his legal team that ‘ugly thoughts’ are not a crime.

In the UK, Bolinger previously admitted having a stash of some of the sickest child pseudo-images - depicting youngsters in an oven or being barbecued. He also admitted publishing obscene material. The titles for the pictures included Dinner, The BBQ, the BBQ2 and the BBQ3.

Prosecutor Martin Yale said these pointed to Bolinger’s sexual interest in cannibalism relating to children.

He previously admitted attacking a woman two years earlier by putting a dry cleaning solution-soaked cloth over her face.

Canterbuy Crown Court heard how he stuffed the cloth into the mouth of friend Urlene King. He told jurors he had loved her and had sexual feelings for her - and that he had made this known but Miss King had not really made her feelings towards him clear. He said they had been shopping, bought some fish and returned to his home. As he went to wash his hands he saw some gauze and the dry cleaning fluid and put it over her mouth.

He said: “I was intending to put it over her face. Why I was intending to put it over her face; I don’t really remember it.

 “I was watching myself from above. I was not aware; I could not feel any emotion or anything.

“Was I living out one of these fantasies? No. Was it to kill her? No. Was it to rape her? No.

“Why I was doing it I am not too sure. I cannot really give an adequate answer.”

Married father Bolinger was remanded in custody until September 19 by Judge Adele Williams, who said: “I need a psychiatric report so I can judge what risk you pose.”

Bolinger, whose father served in the US Air Force which gave him American citizenship, bowed his head as the unanimous verdict was returned following the four-day trial.

Psychiatrists and probation officers will now decide just how dangerous he is before sentence in September.

Speaking after the case Det Insp Rob Chitham, of Kent Police, said: “This was a long and complicated investigation because much of the evidence was in the USA.

“In addition, the people who use fetish chatrooms go to great lengths to hide their identity and specialist knowledge and equipment is needed to determine who they are and where they live.

“We worked closely with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in America to identify one of the chatroom users as Mr Bolinger.
“A painstaking search for evidence both at his home and elsewhere then began so that we could bring him to justice .”