Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What Most Doctors Think About Obamacare Is Frightening
 By: Jack Dennis \ 10-1-2014 \ SanAntonio Headlines Examiner

Obama’s staff actually handed out white lab coats to help legitimize the credibility of the health care plan.

"The basis of Obamacare’s financial success depends on a formula devised by Ezekiel Emanuel.

Emanuel assigns value to people’s lives to distribute health care money among us. “Benefit to the patient is secondary,” clarifies Dr.Tedeschi"

Most Americans don’t realize there is good reason that only 14 percent of the nation’s 400,000 licensed physicians are still members of the American Medical Association (AMA).

AMA was long the advocate for the nation’s doctors and “abandoned the needs of the physician years ago and has its own agenda,” states Dr. John Tedeschi, a primary-family care doctor in Robbinsville, New Jersey. 

“Doctoring just isn’t the same,” Dr. Tedeschi, who has been practicing medicine for more than 30 year says. “The practice of medicine, its costs and medical policies, are now dictated and controlled by groups that don’t know the first thing about medicine, nor the people it serves.”

The AMA, who for decades made their money from physician dues, has been bleeding profusely with membership decline. Membership has declined by over 75,000 since 2002. But somehow, they are reporting growing revenues. In 2012 it was $239 million, with $70 million coming from “Royalty Revenue.”

The AMA is paid, in their partnership with the government, by the medical coding records system they created that is mandated for all doctors and hospitals. They are required to bill the government or private insurance through this system, but the constant changes of the bureaucracies and politics insures a continuing and ever growing cash flow. Forget that it is bankrupting our doctors, slowing our patient care, and creating a whole new variety of grim medical errors. By changing their position for Obamacare, the AMA may be losing credibility with doctors, but they are certainly earning more money.

“At one time, the practice of medicine in America was the envy of the world. Unfortunately, it has now been radically segmented,” Dr. Tedeschi, who lives in Morrisville, PA, indicated.

Dr. Tedeschi explains Obamacare is all about saving money and “where the money IS ultimately spent, is directed to special interest, profit-making organizations.”

"The basis of Obamacare’s financial success depends on a formula devised by Ezekiel Emanuel. Emanuel assigns value to people’s lives to distribute health care money among us."

“Benefit to the patient is secondary,” clarifies the doctor. “And physicians have nowhere to turn for help.”

Dr. Tedeschi explained that this radical change has been so choreographed—“better than a Broadway musical”—it happened so “gradually you hardly notice it at first. It’s a slow and deliberate erosion, targeting your family doctor, someone who will soon become a thing of the past.”

“Thanks to politics, insurance companies, special interest groups and other organizations, medicine is changing: the way it’s provided; who it’s provided to; exactly who the providers are; their qualifications; how much it costs and, literally, ‘who lives and who dies,’” the doctor is adamant. “The old saying ‘follow the money’” has never been truer than it is today. 

“We’re moving away from the mission of medicine and more towards the business of healthcare, and these two endeavors are not the same thing,” Twila Brase, President of the Citizens’ Council For Health Freeman states. “We’re moving in the wrong direction.”

“When other people hold the dollars, the mission of medicine is compromised,” Brase reminds people frequently. “Whether it’s the government, or an insurance company, the agendas of the people with the money ultimately take precedence over the needs of the patient.”

Now that American physicians have seen enough of Obamacare to draw informed opinions, only 13 percent of them agree with AMA support of the law. Survey results from Jackson & Coker, a national physician recruitment firm confirm this. The AMA spends about $22 million a year since 2010 lobbying for Obamacare.

Recently a report by Association of American Medical Colleges said the shortage is expected to exceed 124,000 physicians by 2025, and it will be most acute in primary care. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Despite 70 percent of U.S. doctors indicated they disagreed with the AMA on Obamacare, the White House used a stage propaganda event in the Rose Guard to lie to the American people in 2011. Obama’s staff actually handed out white lab coats to help legitimize the credibility of the health care plan.

Recent surveys of thousands of doctors indicate Obamacare is having a negative impact on healthcare for their patients. Almost 60 percent of doctors think they will most likely retire in the next five years because of the destructive Obama health plan. Doctors who originally voted Obama in 2008 changed their minds and voted against him by totals of over 15 percent.

“We are now told how much time we can spend with each patient,” Dr. Tedeschi explains. Doctor are mandated “what tests we can and cannot request. 

We are now forced to re-certify more frequently and answer questions, in many cases, unethically, just to serve their (Obamacare) financial needs.”

“We are told what kind of treatment can be provided to older patients, a type of ‘too old to treat’ approach because of the life expectancy of the patient and the cost to the federal government,” claims Dr. Tedeschi. With Obamacare, age 75 seems to be the magic age of when government healthcare declines for the benefit of the plan and not the patient.

“Even prescription medications that will effectively help the patient are routinely rejected by insurance companies and Medicare in favor of less expensive, ‘generic’ drugs that are archaic and simply don’t do the job,” Dr. Tedeschi states. “And we are aware, of course, of the conflict of interest of insurance companies having stock in the drugs that they do approve. It’s really sad.”